Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel since January 2009

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Sunday, January 18, 2009

So Far So Good

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It's been a good day today, I feel more in control. Have eaten well, healthy and have stuck to my points. I can't make WW meeting tomorrow because I have to take son no.1 to his new school to buy his new uniform. He is getting nervous about starting his new school. So am I yikes! Don't tell him that, I'm trying to act all excited and happy for him but when I think of them starting on day 1 back this year I get very very nervous. I must focus and not start the old emotional eating, when I get nervous I pick pick pick on all of the wrong food. FOCUS FOCUS FOCUS

1 comment:

Leanne said...

How exciting for your son to be starting at his new school, ha takes me back. My younger son is starting High School next week, but I am not as worried as what I was when my older son started High School (he is in year 12 this year). The younger son is so much more responsible, mature and confident, but still, he is my baby after all. Hang in there with your points, exercise etc etc. I had an overeating day on Saturday and boy, did I regret it the next day. I looked back and thought why did I do it? Nothing too bad, just overate healthy stuff, but managed to go 7 points over. Nearly bought a packet of maltesers, which in hind sight, could have been very bad, but I resisted the urge. Hope you have a great day, Leanne.