Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel since January 2009

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ok, I'm back, bigger than 2 weeks ago but I'm back. Had a big binge over Easter, a few birthday celebrations thrown in and now I weigh an extra 2 kilos, I am now officially 61.8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Went to Woolies this morning to buy school lunch things for the kids and who was in the self serve checkout next to me??? Yep my WW Leader!!! Yikes, yikes and yikes ....... she was kind and gentle and told me to turn up to the next WW meeting. So, Monday is the official WI day, let's hope I can lose a teeny weeny bit of that 2 extra kilos before then!

Chat soon

1 comment:

:: ♥ MiSs BuTTeRfLy ♥ :: said...

Hi Beautiful!!!!!
Welcome back!
Oh man I've missed you sooo much...I was beginning to think I'd lost contact with you heheeh.

So awesome to see your message this morning.

Don't worry about the 2kgs, I'm sure you'll get rid of it in no time! I put that on just this week...so not happy!

I hope you get in touch with Tracy - it'd be unreal to have the 3 amigos back in full force again!!!

Have a great day xoxox