Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel since January 2009

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Monday, July 16, 2007

Start of a New Week

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Hello beauties

The start of a new week, yay! I've gone to 2 funerals in the past week, two girlfriends, one lost her dad and the other lost her mum. Life definitely sucks sometimes.

Back on track with the weight loss this week after one week of eating chocolate for breakfast, donuts for lunch and more chocolate for dinner!!!!!! hee hee, I wasn't that bad but I did eat anything and everything and didn't count points. What a week. I've been to the gym this morning, we are taking the kids out for lunch today, I'm having a salad and I have some vege soup planned for dinner tonight. I'm planning to visit your blogs gorgeous girls, if my ancient computer lets me!

much luv


♥Kiwi♥ said...

Hey there

Sorry to hear about your friends parents... Hope your friends are doing ok... Sometimes life just doesn't seem fair huh!

Good on you getting back on track and your chockie and donutathon sounded fun hehe

Take care
♥ mE xxx

Bek - creator, domestic goddess, full time mum & full time education assistant! said...

Hey there girlie,

I trust your friends are ok, well with someone as wonderful and kind as you looking after them I am sure it's getting a bit easier each day.
Have missed you hun and can see you have been busy with skool holidays and such. Hope your looking after yourself and hope to catch up in the less to loose board soon.
Remember your special.....

Luv Cookie :P