Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel since January 2009

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Sunday, January 11, 2009

2009 A New Year for a Fallen Angel

A new year has begun and it has been a very long time since I have blogged. I don't even know if my old buds are still blogging. I've managed to go back to meetings and have joined a new group on the WW site called the Fallen Angels. A group of us who have come back to WW and are needing some support. As usual, as with all WW members, these girs are happy, enthusiastic and ready to lend a hand! And many hands I will be needing!

I was going great at WW last year, till I hit November, then the kilos started to pile back on. No ones fault but my own. I've been finding it hard to keep on track, there have been too many temptations or maybe I have been weak :( but onwards and forwards! Went to the beach today and I went for a walk, a 90 min walk, a long walk in 38 degree freakin heat along West Coast Highway. I usually enjoy this walk but not today, it was way too hot. Tomorrow it should be going down to 28 degrees, a much better day to do that walk.

Let's see what tomorrow brings!


Leanne said...

Hi Calamity, your blog is great. Isn't it fun being in the Fallen Angels? I gives you something to look forward to - getting online and reading about everyone's day. Geez, maybe I need a life.....
Cheers, Leanne (Lainnie). Oh by the way my online name is Lainnie cause all the different ways of having Leanne were taken and I couldn't think of anything original. Being 'talking' to ya.

Leanne said...

Hi again, can you please share with me, where you get all your pretty bits and pieces for your blog, I think they look great. Thanks Leanne (Lainnie).