Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel since January 2009

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Going Away

New week. I've made some decisions. Kids are back at school, time to get focused. As usual life is extremely busy. There is always so much going on. I was doing so well with the weight loss and then to have a big gain is so disappointing. Now is the time for reassessment. I'm going back to meetings, religiously. I have my good mate Mary there with me and the girls at the meeting are great. When I first lost weight with WW I used to clock up 20 000 steps on my pedometer. Now I'm lucky to get to 10 000! It's funny that the first time around with WW I found weight loss easy, now I'm finding it bloody hard. I suppose I only had 2 kids then and it was also the time before mum was diagnosed with breast cancer and I was a lot more motivated. So I've taken out my old points tracker and I'm going to look back at what I did then. I know that I was a lot more active, my eating habits were healthier and I walked everywhere. How quickly we become lazy in our exercise habits. OK, so tomorrow, back to basics, I know what to do, I just need to do it all of the time not some of the time!

Bye bye for a while, till I get my act straight. x

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