Fallen Angel

Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel since January 2009

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

WW Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

Friday, June 15, 2007

Slowly, slowly

Hello Luvies

Where has everyone been lately. Hopefully everyone is on track and exercising, .... huh huh huh? I'm still enjoying the gym. Everyone is very friendly and happy to help, it's a nice atmosphere. I have my appraisal done on the 29th of June to check my progress. A lot of the girls that I have talked to say that they lose more inches than weight when they first start. Gotta be happy with that, but I would love to see the number on the scales go down as well, stubborn scales hee hee. I've got Master 4 home with me today with a fever and runny nose and he has come up with a suspicious looking spot on his tummy, I think it might be chicken pox. Have to wait and see.

Chat soon luvies


:: ♥ MiSs BuTTeRfLy ♥ :: said...

Hey Pretty Lady!!
Oh I miss you I miss you I miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I don't really have internet access now we've moved home [well I do, but it's SIL's connection and has a very low download amount, so I don't get on much]..I just jumped on today to let you know I was still alive hehe, I'm so proud of you for staying on track, and it sounds like you are doing really well with the gym!!
I miss you again heheh, and did you get my message on MSN?? I sent you my mobile number so u can sms me sometime if you like - i always get back to them hehe.
Take care sweetie

Bek - creator, domestic goddess, full time mum & full time education assistant! said...

Hey Chicky,
I am so proud of you, walking to the gym, gyming and walking home again! Wow, wonder woman look out!!!! You are always so supportive hun, you are an inspiration to me and always have such lovley, kind and funny things to say......A bug HUG comming your way...we can do this...and with a RAID comming up we can silly and loose weight too lol..hee hee

Lots of Luv Cookie
oxo :)